Thursday, January 31, 2013

It's Almost February

Oh yes, it's the time of year for valentines and Cupid, greeting cards and red hearts, chocolates and flowers. Seriously, it is not my favorite season on the calendar. Did I say that out loud? As an author who writes about true love, that must seem like a heretical statement. Maybe I'm just jaded.

Have you noticed that many florists raise their prices on roses in the weeks leading up to February 14th. Then the ones who are willing to sell their pretty flowers "on sale" lower them back to their normal price, and you think you're getting a deal. All I can say is that if you like to buy Valentine roses for your loved ones, shop carefully.

Most of the story sites and blogs I read will be releasing special Valentine tales (Night Tempest already put one up tonight) and possibly interrupting their normally-scheduled chapters. M.A. Church just released Perfect, a story all about Cupid falling in love. There's also a three-day blog hop beginning tomorrow with twenty-something writers involved.

So I'll try hard not to infect all of you with my bah-humbug February 14th blues and wish all of you an early Happy Valentine's Day.


  1. I believe that if you love someone you love them all year and not just for one day and I actually get annoyed if my husband gets me anything for Valentines, my favourite thing is all the reduced chocolate in the shops just afterwards cos lets face it chocolate is chocolate regardless of whats written on it!!

    1. Exactly. The little things count a lot. You have a spouse or significant other who more or less ignores/takes you for granted most of the year and expects to make it up on holidays like Valentine's Day, forget it. It's a year long commitment to building the relationship.
